Thursday, August 20, 2009

A new creative venture...

When my grandmother passed away last year, she left me all of her creative bits and bobs... a sewing machine, a tin of vintage buttons collected throughout the years, fabric from the 1960's and 1970's, bags upon bags of yarn and knitting needles, and a whole slew of patterns for incredibly ridiculous 1980's sweaters. She was an extremely glamourous woman and a very talented seamstress and knitter, who made most of her own clothing from patterns and personal designs. I, on the other hand, have always dreamed of creating my own line of clothing, but have never actually gotten around to doing anything other than mending a few holes on various dresses and tops. Up until now, my new found collection of creative bits and bobs has remained locked away in a closet. Frankly, I have been too scared to get anywhere near the sewing machine or fabric for fear of destroying them.

To assuage my fears, I have started reading several blogs dedicated to sewing and have also been watching various sewing-related videos on YouTube. What a great website, by the way! One of the blogs that caught my attention is written by Gertie over at "Gertie's New Blog for Better Sewing". Her inspiration comes from "Vogue's New Book for Better Sewing", a guide of 14 Vogue patterns written in 1952 and claiming to make the reader a seamstress. After reading through her blog and looking at the book, I decided that this would be my ticket to becoming the fabulous vintage seamstress I have always imagined. So I hopped on Google to find the book and the only copy I could find was on Amazon... selling for $111! I almost cried.

However, in a weird twist of fate, my mother called the other evening to tell me about all of the vintage patterns she purchased for me on Ebay. She had even managed to buy a book of vintage sewing patterns, although she couldn't remember the name of it and wasn't even quite sure if it would be helpful to me. I wasn't sure either, but I logged into her Ebay account to check it out... low and behold, the book turned out to be "Vogue's New Book for Better Sewing" and she had only paid $25 for it! I couldn't believe it!

I am so incredibly happy and can't wait to get my hands on the book... hopefully, the book's promise is fulfilled and I am magically transformed into a better seamstress! I'll be sure to debut my first completed masterpiece on here. :)


  1. That is amazing! What a coincidence. I wonder why the book on Amazon was so expensive.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  2. I'm not sure why it was so expensive, but it was the only one available and that might have been a reason. Definitely wouldn't have paid that much for it! It really was such a wonderful coincidence though... guess it means I was meant to be transformed into a fabulous seamstress! :)
