Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just button, wrap, tie...

I have once again destroyed my budget for this month by purchasing far too many beautiful items of clothing! I really just can't help myself at times, especially when I find a vintage piece that is far too good to be true. :)

One blogger that I absolutely adore is Fleur de Guerre over at "Diary of a Vintage Girl"... not only is she gorgeous, but her style is amazing and she has a wardrobe that quite literally takes my breath away. Her favorite vintage brand is Swirl, a line that was originally conceived to be a wrap-around apron (more information can be found in this article, written by Fuzzylizzie) and ended up as a wrap-around dress. One step above a housedress, to be exact! Anyways, ever since I began reading about the brand on Fleur's blog, I decided that I just had to buy one for myself. So I began searching... and I found that not only do they tend to be hard to find (especially in Germany), but they can also be extremely expensive.

Luckily, I finally managed to locate two on Etsy and although they are from the 1960's, they were reasonably priced and I am very happy with them. Depending on just how much I love them, I will probably continue my hunt in the hopes of expanding my collection.

"Lack of control" example #1: An adorable 1960's Swirl dress with wine and grapes... I admit, I love wine (glass, bottle or entire vineyard), so I feel this dress was made for me or at least was waiting for me to come along and excercise my frivolous spending tendencies. Courtesy of denisebrain on Etsy!

"Lack of control" example #2: A psychedelic 1960's Swirl dress with a neon flowered skirt. Bright colors usually look horrible on me, but I am convinced that the black bodice will be my saving grace! Courtesy of RaraeAves on Etsy!

Now that my bank account is practically gasping for breath, all of the other "too good to be true" pieces will have to wait until I get paid next week. That, or the boyfriend will have to sacrifice his funds! :)

1 comment:

  1. i am loving the wine skirt!! i tweeted you an etsy shop that sells vintage dress patterns - we need to get my sewing machine in order and get working on making our own - waaay cheaper than buying all of it! :)
