Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New beginnings...

Because I have spent so much of my time in the past few months lurking various fashion-related blogs, I decided it was time to take the plunge and start my own. I have always been interested in fashion, but prior to moving to Europe, most of my outfits consisted of jeans, t-shirts and hoodies (albeit with a snazzy touch). While this is nothing to be ashamed of, I have to admit that my un-creative style was based on more on lack of inspiration rather than enthusiasm. Moving across the ocean two years ago provided me with a completely different outlook on fashion and most of all, helped me re-create and tweak my own style.

Since I was a little girl, I have been in love with another era and obsessed with everything vintage. My mother collects antiques and used to have her own antique shop, meaning that I spent many hours learning about the wonders of times gone by... you name it, I can probably tell you something about it. To this day, I would still much rather get lost in a vintage boutique or a thrift store than the mall. Not only are the pieces truly unique, but they have lasted through the ages (despite some of the more modern clothing I own) and haven't lost an ounce of glamour. And perhaps the best part of all is that vintage pieces can be easily incorporated into today's fashions... all it takes is a bit of inspiration and creativity!

This blog will be filled with a showcase of amazing vintage pieces, tips and tricks on how to incorporate vintage into a modern-day wardrobe, how to create great looks on the cheap and anything else that possibly falls into the vintage or modern fashion-related category. :)

For anyone who loves fashion, may it be vintage or modern, welcome to my blog!

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